Improvement, Construction, Electrical and Mechanical Works of the Gebze–Halkalı Suburban Lines (MARMARAY PROJECT) CR3

As part of the project, a conventional railway line with a total length of 44 kilometers (Halkalı-Kazlıçeşme 19 kilometers, Pendik-Ayrılıkçeşme 24 kilometers) has been built on both sides of Istanbul and the related electromechanical systems have been installed. With the completion of the project, the Ankara–Istanbul High-Speed Train line terminating in Pendik has been extended to the European-Side Halkalı Station. Gebze–Halkalı travel time was reduced to 115 minutes. A total of 124 buildings on both sides were offered to the public service. These entail 26 stations (five HST stations), highway underpasses, highway overpasses, pedestrian underpasses, pedestrian overpasses, stream crossing bridges, hydraulic culverts, three cut-and-covers, two viaducts, and one highway tunnel.

Employer: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure,
Directorate General of Infrastructure Investments
Location: Istanbul/TURKEY