Kolin Construction Tourism Industry and Trade Inc, displaying activity in the contracting sector, aims at sustainable growth and development with its operations. Kolin Construction publish this policy in order to reflect the sustainability approach to their suppliers and subcontractors and to adopt a responsible supply chain approach in this direction.

In line with this policy, Kolin Construction expects from the suppliers, subcontractors and service providers with whom it works;

 To act in accordance with the policies of Kolin Construction,
 To comply with the relevant laws and regulations in the regions where they operate, to act in accordance with the labor legislation in force in the country they are present regarding the working hours, leaves, wages and fringe benefits, to fulfill the obligations to comply with the legal environmental legislation in their activities,
 To observe occupational health and safety rules and take necessary precautions in field construction sites and production facilities,
 To not use forced or child labor,
 To respect the employees' right of unionization and the decisions to be a member of the union, and their right to organize and collective bargaining in accordance with the law, to display activity with business principles in alignment with humanity and human dignity,
 Not to discriminate based on race, ethnicity, age, position, gender, gender identity, color, religion, country of birth, marital status, pregnancy, dependents, disability, social class, union membership or political views,
 To monitor and manage their environmental impacts within the scope of the legislation that they have to comply with by virtue of their operations,
 To follow energy and resource efficiency oriented practices,
 To observe quality standards in products and services,
 To increase their awareness for emission and carbon footprint,

Kolin Construction, acting with the understanding of creating value in the activity chain, acts by taking into account the development of the suppliers in the field of sustainability in line with the responsible supply chain approach. This policy is monitored periodically in line with the requirements and updated when deemed necessary. The Sustainability Committee is responsible for updating the policy. The policy entered into force on 02.06.2021 with the approval of the Board of Directors.