• At KOLİN İNŞAAT, our managers and employees will always take all necessary measures to prevent fatalities, injuries, and health issues that may arise due to working conditions and accidents, and will continuously improve OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) management and performance.
• All applicable OHS legislation, as well as the requirements of all organizations we are a member of and customer conditions, will be adhered to in order to protect the health and ensure the safety of our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and all individuals affected by our work.
• We will ensure that all our activities within the scope of OHS are carried out in line with the policies we have established and that this continuity is maintained.
• We will continuously carry out the necessary announcements, training, and awareness-raising activities to ensure that all personnel and subcontractors working under our company's management are aware of their individual OHS responsibilities.
• We will ensure that all relevant parties have access to and are aware of the work and requirements related to OHS.
• We will periodically review our policies to ensure that our OHS policy remains appropriate and aligned with our company's activities.
• We will conduct necessary risk analyses to prevent harm to the life, property, and belongings of our employees, subcontractor personnel, and other individuals, controlling hazards at the earliest stage and continuously monitoring and making necessary adjustments, while providing all possible protection during the implementation phase.
• We will prioritize continuous control and corrective actions, primarily by our OHS teams and in cooperation with our relevant employees, to reduce hazards and prevent risks in our work.
• We will consider the views and suggestions of our employees and their representatives in all our OHS-related work.
• This policy will be shared with and communicated to all employees and relevant parties to ensure its understanding and will serve as a framework for our company’s OHS goals, being continuously reviewed and updated.